Contact Us


(949) 385-3861

17595 Harvard Ave. (C115)
Irvine, CA 92614




How do I become an OC ACFE Chapter Member?

To join online, first, log-in to your profile or create a new profile at Once your profile is complete and up-to-date, visit our Join page, review available membership plans, and click on the Apply button to become a Full or Associate Chapter Member or to become an Affiliate or Student Chapter Affiliate. Upon completion of the member application, we will provide final payment information via Zelle or physical mail.

Membership or Affiliation is effective the same day upon payment processing. If payment is made by any other method (e.g. physical check by mail), membership or affiliation will be activated upon OC ACFE’s receipt of payment in full. Payment includes OC ACFE Chapter dues and new member or affiliate processing fee if applicable. Please be sure to visit our Membership page to review all available plan options, associated benefits, and any prerequisites before applying for membership.

An invoice/receipt will be automatically generated and emailed upon payment. Additionally, all invoices/receipts will be available online by logging into your profile under “myPurchases”.

Note: Affiliates of the Chapter shall not be, nor represent themselves to be, members of the Chapter, shall have no Chapter voting rights, and shall not be eligible to hold any Chapter office. However, you do not need to be a member of either the Chapter or the ACFE to attend Chapter meetings. Please feel free to view our Events page for detail.

Does my OC ACFE Chapter Membership Due include my National ACFE Membership Due or my CFE Certification renewal payment?

No, you must pay for the National ACFE Membership and CFE Certification renewals separately via ACFE’s website.

What is the OC ACFE Chapter Membership’s “Early Bird” registration?

OC ACFE Chapter’s Memberships and Affiliations run 12 months from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31 annually. "Early Bird” registration by Oct. 1 will qualify for 15 months of Chapter membership and affiliation through Dec. 31 of the following year. Note: You must be a member of the National ACFE and a registered CFE as prerequisites to become a Full Member of the Chapter.


If I am already an OC ACFE Chapter member, do I need to renew my membership by manually making payment each year?

No! Coming soon! You will have the option to activate your members-only dues renewal/subscription plan, which means that at a click of a button, your membership will be automatically renewed each year. We will be updating our Members Only Area with additional information. Please be sure to utilize your Members Only Area - Access Passcode to view this page.

As a CFE, what are my CPE Requirements?

OC ACFE Chapter is committed to helping maintain your CFE Credential with the ACFE. You are required to earn at least 20 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) during every 12-month period. At least 10 of these hours must relate directly to the detection and deterrence of fraud and 2 hours must relate directly to ethics. If you have earned more than 20 hours of CPE in your previous reporting period, you may rollover up to 10 of these hours to meet your current CPE requirements. Our Chapter offers seminars and training sessions to help meet your CPE requirements throughout the year.

Note: CPE earned prior to earning your CFE credential are not eligible for rollover. This includes any CPE earned from the CFE Exam Prep Course or the live CFE Exam Review Course. As a CFE, you must certify CPE compliance by the end of your anniversary month, the month your membership expires. For additional information, please visit ACFE’s CPE Requirements page.

How can I speak or recommend a speaker for an OC ACFE Chapter event?

We welcome speakers all year round! If you are interested in speaking or recommending a speaker at one of our meetings or events please complete our Speaker Recommendation Form available on the bottom of our Events page. Speakers can be from any subject area related to Fraud, Risk, Audit, Governance, Compliance, Investigations, IT, Information Security, Legal, Law Enforcement, Government, Academics & Research, etc. Presentations should be 1-4 hrs in length and should not be sales focused, but rather directed toward fraud education, thought leadership and raising awareness on select fraud-relevant topics.

How can I become a sponsor for an OC ACFE Chapter event?

Great question! Please visit our Sponsorship Opportunities page for additional detail.

How can I get my profile listed on the CFEs Directory?

Our new CFEs Directory is coming soon! As a Chapter Member or Affiliate, if you are a registered CFE, we will automatically include your profile at the start of your membership. If your profile is missing after our CFEs Directory is turned live, please be sure to email us at: to get that fixed right away!

How can I post my Company’s position availability on the OC ACFE Chapter’s Jobs Board?

Our Careers page’s Jobs Board is a great way to advertise your company’s position availabilities! Please contact us at: and we’ll provide additional detail.